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Active Fires Over 100 Acres

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Fuel crews will be burning brush piles near the following fire stations on the Trabuco Ranger District: 

-Temescal Fire Station 

-Silverado Fire Station 

-Corona Fire Station 

Smoke may be seen…

Cleveland National Forest fuel crews are burning piles off of Sunrise Highway near Red Tailed Roost. Smoke may be seen from Sunrise Highway, the I-8, and surrounding communities.

Prescribed Fire: Cleveland National Forest fuel crews are continuing a prescribed burn project off of Sunrise Highway near Thing Valley Road. Residents and visitors may see smoke from Sunrise Highway,…

Today at the Chico Seed Orchard firefighters will be burning up to 10 acres of piles, pending favorable conditions. Some smoke may be visible. Please avoid the area and know that prescribed fire activities are carefully monitored. 

On the Upper Lake Ranger District, firefighters…

Larimer County, Canyon Lakes Ranger District – Week of Feb 4 to Feb 11, 2025


Fire managers do not have any new pile burning plans for the coming week. 


This past weekend, strong gusty winds in several Canyon Lakes Ranger…

Last updated: 2025-02-06 --- The type of incident is Prescribed Fire and involves the following unit(s) Cleveland National Forest. --- State: California --- Coordinates: Latitude: 33° 22 34.788 Longitude: 116° 51 10.5114 --- NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations. --- Incident Overview: Updates | Photos | 2025 CNF ProjectsOn January 2022, the Forest Service launched a robust, 10-year strategy to address the wildfire crisis in the places where it poses the most immediate threats to communities. The strategy, called “Confronting the Wildfire Crisis: A Strategy for Protecting Communities and Improving Resilience in America’s Forests,” combines a historic investment of congressional funding with years of scientific research and planning into a national effort that will dramatically increase the scale and pace of forest health treatments over the next decade. Through the strategy, the agency will work with states, Tribes and other partners to addresses wildfire risks to critical infrastructure, protect communities, and make forests more resilient.In early 2023, the USDA Forest Service added 11 additional landscapes. This announcement followed a year of progress in collaborating with partners across 10 initial landscapes to address wildfire risk to infrastructure and communities. One of these 11 additional landscapes is the Cleveland National Forest. Cleveland National Forest fire crews are starting to conduct fuel treatment operations. These projects will continue into spring 2025. These fuel treatment operations will include vegetation thinning, cutting and piling, mastication, prescribed fire by burning of piles, and low-intensity understory burning.  Fire and mechanical treatments are important tools for the Forest Service’s mission to reduce vegetation loading, and restore natural fire regimes, which in the long-term help communities live more safely in fire prone areas and improve forest health. To view project information for each district please go to projects page: 2025 CNF ProjectsFire managers follow a risk-management approach when conducting these projects and mitigate impacts to local communities, residences and infrastructure. Fire managers will conduct prescribed fire activities during the safest possible “burn windows” in the coming months. Numerous factors including wind, humidity, air quality, fuel moisture and availability of fire crew personnel must be met before crews are authorized to move forward with burning.The objective of the projects is to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire to people and communities, create conditions which offer a safer and more effective wildfire response, foster more resilient ecosystems, and minimize the effects of large wildfires on the landscape. In fiscal year 2024, the Forest's target for fuels reduction is 4,544 acres, and we accomplished 5,798. 2,061 acres of planned prescribed fire, and 3,737 acres of mechanical treatments which is a combination of mastication, cut and pile with chainsaws.Residents and visitors are asked to avoid areas where prescribed fires are being conducted. Some smoke may be visible. People should not be alarmed as the fires are carefully managed and monitored. Local fire and government authorities are notified prior to burn days and kept informed throughout prescribed fire operations.Additional updates on prescribed burning will be shared on this page and the forest’s social media on X (formally known as Twitter) at and Facebook at
Last updated: 2024-10-19 --- The type of incident is Wildfire and involves the following unit(s) Angeles National Forest. --- State: California --- Coordinates: Latitude: 34° 13 49.9 Longitude: 117° 45 28.8 --- NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations. --- Incident Overview: AIR QUALITY RESOURSES:  Air Quality  | Smoke Ready Toolbox  |  Air Now  | Smoke Report SANDBAGS: Please visit the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works website to get information on where free sandbags can be obtained in preparation for the potential forecasted rain. Visite el sitio web del Departamento de Obras Públicas del Condado de Los Ángeles para obtener información sobre dónde se pueden obtener bolsas de arena gratuitas en preparación para la posible lluvia pronosticada.FOREST CLOSURE ORDERS: The Angeles National Forest has issued a Bridge Fire Area Closure Order from October 18, 2024, through December 31, 2025. This closure order covers only National Forest System roads, trails, and other facilities impacted by the Bridge Fire within the Angeles National Forest. This order replaces the previous closure order that started on September 21, 2024, through December 31, 2025.POST-FIRE RESOURCES FOR NEARBY RESIDENTS:Damage inspection teams completed their inspections. Residents affected by the Bridge Fire can find information on the following websites:For San Bernardino County: For Los Angeles County: emergency alerts, please register here:  Los Angeles County:  San Bernardino County:    ROAD CLOSURES: Glendora Mountain Road north of Big Dalton Canyon Road Glendora Ridge Road from Mt. Baldy to Glendora Mountain Road   Additional closures may still be in place on roads managed and maintained by other agencies inside the forest. Most major roads in the Angeles National Forest are not managed or maintained by the Forest Service. We recommend also checking Caltrans (, the Los Angeles County Road Closures list ( and the San Bernardino County Road Conditions ( list for updates.  EFFECTS OF THE BRIDGE FIRE ON THE ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST:A team of specialists (called a Burned Area Emergency Response Team) came to study the effects of the Bridge Fire on Angeles National Forest lands. Information has just been released about their findings. Learn more.IF YOU FLY, WE CAN’T!  Drones pose a serious risk to firefighting and can cause air operations to cease. When drones interfere with firefighting efforts, a wildfire has the potential to grow larger and cause more damage. A FAA Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in effect and any private aircraft or drone that violates the TFR could face serious criminal charges. For more information on drones the public can visit the FAA’s website at On Sunday, Sept. 8, at 2:40 p.m., Angeles National Forest firefighters responded to a reported wildfire in the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument in the East Fork area by Cattle Canyon Bridge along Camp Bonita Road. On Saturday, Oct. 5, the incident was lowered to a Type 4 incident. This means complexity and needs of this incident are going down. However, unburned pockets of fuel (grasses, brush, trees, etc.) within the perimeter of the burned area of the Bridge Fire may flare up and smoke/flames could be visible.  
Last updated: 2025-01-24 --- The type of incident is Wildfire and involves the following unit(s) Angeles National Forest. --- State: California --- Coordinates: Latitude: 34° 11 30.7788 Longitude: 118° 6 19.4544 --- NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations. --- Incident Overview: AIR QUALITY RESOURSES:  Air Quality  | Smoke Ready Toolbox  |  Air Now  | Smoke Report RESOURCES LINKS: LA County Emergency Information   | FEMA Disaster Assistance  | City of Arcadia  |  City of Sierra Madre  |  City of Pasadena  |   City of Altadena   |  Water For LA    | Map of Drinking Water System Impacted by Eaton Fire   | Debris Removal   |  Recovery Information including Damage Assessment map SANDBAGS: Please visit the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works website to get information on where free sandbags can be obtained in preparation for the potential forecasted rain. Visite el sitio web del Departamento de Obras Públicas del Condado de Los Ángeles para obtener información sobre dónde se pueden obtener bolsas de arena gratuitas en preparación para la posible lluvia pronosticada.FOREST CLOSURE ORDERS: The Angeles National Forest has issued a Eaton Fore Area Closure Order from January 30, 2025, through December 31, 2025. This closure order covers only National Forest System roads, trails, and other facilities impacted by the Eaton Fire within the Angeles National Forest. This order replaces the previous closure order that started on January 24, 2025, through January 31, 2025. DAMAGE ASSESSMENTS: Damage inspection teams have completed inspections for 100% of all structures within the fire footprint.  SCHOOL CLOSURES & OPENINGS: Visit Pasadena Unified School District’s website for the most recent information regarding school closures: EVACUATIONS: All evacuation orders and warnings have been lifted. EVACUATION POINT(S):    Pasadena Civic Center - 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101  Parking at 155 E. Green St. Please enter from Marengo Ave. The Humane Society is on-site to accept small pets for boarding. Service animals will be allowed inside the Convention Center.   ANIMAL CARE: Small and Large Animal Evacuation Pasadena Humane - 361 S. Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103 (Small Animals)  Industry Hills Expo Center - 16200 Temple Avenue, City of Industry, CA 91744 (Large Animals) Pomona Fairplex (Gate 3) - 1101 W McKinley Ave, Pomona, CA 91768 (Small and Large Animals)   Animal Rescue:  Pasadena Humane: (626) 577-3752  LOCAL ROAD CLOSURES: STATE ROAD CLOSURES:  BAER INFORMATION: The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) program is designed to identify and manage potential risks to resources on National Forest System lands and reduce these threats through appropriate emergency measures to protect human life and safety, property, and critical natural or cultural resources. BAER is an emergency program for stabilization work that involves time-critical activities to be completed before the first damaging event to meet program objectives.Please see the Eaton-Hurst Post-Fire BAER InciWeb page for more information. DRONE SAFETY - KNOW WHERE YOU CAN FLY:  Drones pose a serious risk to firefighting and can cause air operations to cease. When drones interfere with firefighting efforts, a wildfire has the potential to grow larger and cause more damage. For more information on drones the public can visit the FAA’s website at Home - Know Before You Fly . “If you fly, we can’t!” 
Last updated: 2025-02-04 --- The type of incident is Burned Area Emergency Response and involves the following unit(s) Angeles National Forest. --- State: California --- Coordinates: Latitude: 34° 34 34.9 Longitude: 118° 33 33.2 --- NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations. --- Incident Overview: THREE PHASES OF WILDFIRE RECOVERYThere are three phases of recovery following wildfires on federal lands:- Fire Suppression Repair- Emergency Stabilization-Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER)- Long-Term Recovery and Restoration•    Fire Suppression Repair is a series of immediate post-fire actions taken to repair damages and minimize potential soil erosion and impacts resulting from fire suppression activities and usually begins before the fire is contained, and before the demobilization of an Incident Management Team. This work repairs the hand and dozer fire lines, roads, trails, staging areas, safety zones, and drop points used during fire suppression efforts.•    Emergency Stabilization-Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is a rapid assessment of burned watersheds by a BAER team to identify imminent post-wildfire threats to human life and safety, property, and critical natural or cultural resources on National Forest System lands and take immediate actions to implement emergency stabilization measures before the first post-fire damaging events. Fires result in loss of vegetation, exposure of soil to erosion, and increased water runoff that may lead to flooding, increased sediment, debris flows, and damage to critical natural and cultural resources. BAER actions such as: mulching, seeding, installation of erosion and water run-off control structures, temporary barriers to protect recovering areas, and installation of warning signs may be implemented. BAER work may also replace safety related facilities; remove safety hazards; prevent permanent loss of habitat for threatened and endangered species; prevent the spread of noxious weeds and protect critical cultural resources.•    Long-Term Recovery and Restoration utilizes non-emergency actions to improve fire-damaged lands that are unlikely to recover naturally and to repair or replace facilities damaged by the fire that are not critical to life and safety. This phase may include restoring burned habitat, reforestation, other planting or seeding, monitoring fire effects, replacing burned fences, interpreting cultural sites, treating noxious weed infestations, and installing interpretive signs.BAER SAFETY MESSAGE: Everyone near and downstream from the burned areas should remain alert and stay updated on weather conditions that may result in heavy rains and increased water runoff. Flash flooding may occur quickly during heavy rain events--be prepared to act. Current weather and emergency notifications can be found at National Weather Service website: 
Last updated: --- The type of incident is Prescribed Fire and involves the following unit(s) Texas A&M Forest Service. --- State: Texas --- Coordinates: Latitude: 32° 50 22 Longitude: 98° 2 25 --- NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations. --- Incident Overview: Texas A&M Forest Service is planning for prescribed burns to take place at Fort Wolters during 2025. Six burn units identified as units 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 11 will be burned for a total of 1,678 acres.  These burns are designed to meet multiple land management objectives including reducing the accumulation of hazardous fuels, improve forest health, improve access and visibility for forest management activities and improve wildfire habitat. Each prescribed burn unit has defined weather parameters and firing patterns to ensure the objectives for each unit have a high potential for success. Texas A&M Forest Service personnel will monitor all prescribed burns to evaluate achievement of goals and help guide future prescriptions. Unit 2 – 228 acresProposed burning dates: 11/2024 – 5/2025 Unit 3 – 286 acresProposed burning dates: 11/2024 – 5/2025 Unit 4 – 316 acresProposed burning dates: 11/2024 – 5/2025 Unit 7 – 328 acresProposed burning dates: 11/2024 – 5/2025 Unit 8 – 119 acresProposed burning dates: 11/2024 – 5/2025 Unit 11 – 400 acresProposed burning dates: 11/2024 – 5/2025 Nearby residents can expect some lingering smoke effects overnight after the burns and may see some moderate to heavy smoke impacts for short periods during ignition operations. These effects will be mitigated by burning on days with good ventilation so that smoke will be dispersed away from communities.  More information will be published as weather conditions allow for safe burning operations.


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